Welcome to SPS Online School Payments


Online School Payments provides access for paying student fees and fines and to purchase items through an online school store. The system allows parents and students to view and track student account history and outstanding balances.

Please note that each student has a unique user name and password. New Accounts take 24 hours to activate.  Family logon access is not currently available.

User name = Student ID (Contact the school office for assistance if needed)

Password = Student Last name as it appears in Powerschool either with first letter capitalized (case sensitive, ex Smith) or all capital letters (case sensitive, ex SMITH)

If your student is not enrolled with SPS you may access the site using our Guest User log in.

For assistance, contact the Spokane Public Schools Central Cashiers by phone at 509-354-5902 or by e-mail at SPSCashier@spokaneschools.org